Insightful Business Intelligence with 4D Visualization
VizMaster™ uses GUI to show a company’s performance by using portfolio and outer layer social information to extract, analyze, process data and visually present it on map highlighting business impact by region. Integrating knowledge from multiple sources, the resulting analyses are displayed as easy to use graphs to visualize core business information like for simple interpretation and analysis.
Vizmaster™ collects data from multiple sources and inputs them on HDFS to rapidly process the data using R/SAS, followed by development of GUI platform using Java and HTML. It also uses Big Data and Machine Learning techniques to predict the future growth of the business.
Vizmaster™ uses external agency data, social data, and portfolio information to produce a rich visualization, which will predict growth of the business. There are different predictive models like survival analysis which have been developed using machine learning techniques. Automatic schedule to run the predicted data to produce summarized numbers on a very user friendly interface; The final outcome is in the form of Graphs and data is presented on the map showing region wise performance and prediction. VizMaster is fast and flexile to use since it takes data through HDFS system, highly customizable, works in all major browsers, and you can even use on mobile and tablet devices.